About Us

CIEIF offers a fast and unbureaucratic source of funds to aid EIA, impact modeling, and/or stakeholder outreach for climate intervention field tests. Current funding is through the private Peter Jenkins family-supported fund based in Bethesda, Maryland USA. After our first round of grants made in December 2023, and our second round in July 2024, we are increasing the grant amounts for our third round in late 2024. Grant decisions are made by CIEIF’s three-person part-time staff:

Portrait of Peter Jenkins

Peter T. Jenkins

Fund Manager
Peter serves as the Manager of CIEIF. For the last 2.5 years he was Chair of the Board of Advisors of the U.S. NGO Methane Action (www.methaneaction.org, now merged with Spark Climate Solutions, www.sparkclimate.org). He has been an environmental, land use, consumer, and personnel law attorney and advocate since 1983. Peter received his law degree from the University of Puget Sound (now Seattle University) School of Law and also a Masters in Environmental Studies from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Peter currently serves as Senior Counsel at Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). His career has centered ...
Portrait: Renaud de Richter

Dr. Renaud de Richter

Science Advisor
Renaud is among the most knowledgeable scientists in the world on innovative climate interventions. He served for more than two years as Science Advisor to Methane Action. Born in Mexico City, Renaud has lived in France since 1973 and received his PhD. in 1989 from University of Science and Technology in Montpellier, France. He then was a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Pharmacy of the University of Minnesota. Then he worked as a team member of a pharmaceutical start up in Paris; he is co-author of several patents. In 1995 Renaud moved to Montpellier to work for the French ...
Portrait: John Fitzgerald

John Fitzgerald

Legal Advisor
John has decades of U.S. and international experience in environmental law and policy. He served from 2020 to 2023 as Legal and Government Relations Counsel to Methane Action which merged with Spark Climate Solutions in 2023. He received his J.D. from Indiana University School of Law. In the late 1970s into the ’80s, he worked in Congress as a legislative aide and then as Counsel to a House Subcommittee. John then served as Chief Counsel for Defenders of Wildlife for over a decade. He then served as a member of the Policy Bureau of the U.S. Agency for International Development ...
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